Niki es Tibi foto galeriaja -Niki`s and Tibi`s foto gallery

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UJ!! - NEW!!
Waiheke Island -2005-02-21

Tiritiri Matangi Island -2005-02-13

Whangaparoatol 20 perc komppal. Mi csak "Madar Szigetnek" hivjuk.

20 min by ferry from Whangaparoa. We call it "Birds Island's"

New Plymouth -2005-01-15/16

Az eszaki sziget masodik legmagasabb csucsa kb 2500m , a csucs mindossze 5 oranyi tura

The second highest peak of Northland-approx 2500m.The top is only 5 hours away

Cape Reinga - 2005-01-29

A eszaki sziget legeszakibb csucsa

The Northest point of North Island.

Kauri -2005-01-30

Uj-Zeland legoregebb fai

Oldest trees in NZ

Bay of Islands -2005-01-31

Az ezersziget ontet akar innen is kaphatta volna a nevet

Could also name thousand island dressing after this area

Rotorua -2004-09

Allitolag az eszaki sziget legkedveltebb turista celpontja ,beceneven "Ken Varos"

Most popular turist area of North Island,nicknamed "Sulphur City"


A varos ahol elunk

The city where we live

Cathedral Cove -2004-02

Egy, a sok lyukas szikla kozul

One of the many 'hole in the rock'

N&T Gallery